Letter From Nadia
Concerned Citizens
Nadia Anderson
Editors Note
My first impressions on reading this letter was that it was not typical of Nadia Andersons style nor of her vocabulary. It reminded me more of a document an attorney might have edited. It inferred that errors or misunderstandings were not deliberate that the document had been completed in good faith and therefore there was no intent to deceive and as a consequence nothing that could constitute criminal activity. It is all very convenient that she considers the documentation in her court papers as personal because that's where dates times and proof of address is contained, all sworn to under penalty of perjury. Problem is that those documents were never sealed and as a consequence are a matter of public record. As is her homestead exemption and real estate license, would be interesting to see what her drivers license said. In conclusion what i see as more important is the intent. Would repeated attempts to falsify documents suggest a pattern of behavior and if so why? Would she gain financially as well as in public standing by becoming a commissioner. Was she already experiencing financial hardship? If a patter of behavior could be established that showed financial gain . Could it then be interpreted as criminal activity?